
Florida Elections - New Polling Stats

A news article posted on Charlie Crist's site "We Have the Momentum: Rubio’s Lead Cut in Half, Meek at 15%". is worth taking a moment to read. Covers the 3-way race for Florida's Senate seat between Rubio, Crist and Meeks and the battle to be Governor between Alex Sink and Rick Scott.

Has some concise and interesting backround info on all the candidates including the positions they left to pursue running for these positions.


Florida Be Aware! Rick Scott Flunks Basic Constitutional Law - Watch His Commercial on Immigration

Rick Scott's commercial on bringing the Arizona "Show Me Your Papers Act" to Florida speaks for itself. PLEASE listen to him speak before we allow to speak for us as a state.

Conservatives, you especially need to take a hard look at Rick Scott because he is not the man you want running for election against anybody. Unless you stand up and vote in the primaries, the Republican party is going to be stuck with a candidate so far right that he's off the conservative scale and into Sarah Palin territory. 

Rick Scott poses a much greater risk -- he is articulate, intelligent and he has the money to flood the airways with convincing commercials but the issues are not as simple as he makes them appear and has a very definite plan to impose his ultra-consertative values on the citizens of Florida. That's not just my opinion one, he says it quite clearly himself. Take a look at Rick Scott's position on the issues he considers important enough to write a position statement. For lack of a better word that'll have to do but the brevity and lack of any explanation of his rationale or reasoning for the things "Rick Scott WILL DO" speaks volumes in itself. 

Not that any reasoning accompanies the things that "Rick Scott believes" or that Rick Scott is committed to" but there his a significant difference between those and what he imperatively states that he will do. And I'm not talking about puffery statements like he will create jobs in Florida, that's normal for politicians. I am talking about the things like accountability in budgeting where Rick Scott "will force bureaucrats to justify how they spend our tax dollars". Note the word force because it is frightening and indicative of how he intends to govern. Combine that with his beliefs and commitments and you should be either be very scared or damn sure you want those things imposed on you, your community and the every citizen in the state of Florida.

Independents, you NEED to look deeper at Rick Scott. On the surface, he seems to want to give you the things you care about and in fact he might. But you MUST ask yourself, is the cost worth it? What value do place on the right to privacy, the freedom to make choices, keeping hard-working, law-abiding and loving parents with their children? If the Republicans fail to put a credible candidate in the race for the Florida Gubernatorial election then you will be our greatest hope for electing a Governor that Florida actually wants. I'm not asking to make the decision to vote against Rick Scott yet, I am asking you to look at his website and his statement on the issue he considers important and to look equally as closely his opponents.

Everybody, I am begging you to stand up and vote and to know who and what you're voting for. It sounds simple, and it's well beyond serious, but as a society we've become complacent and rely on soundbites and commercials to make important decisions. It is your right and it your duty as an American citizen to vote for person you want to represent you. Please make an informed choice when you are filling out your ballot - for the love of our country, respect for the United States Constitution, and the state of the society you will be living in.

Liberals, I saved you for last b/c I believe you were most likely to read a post that breaks the rule on brevity or at least scan down to the section meant for you. Do not wait for the actual race to begin opposing Rick Scott - he's not waiting. He's got the money to flood the airwaves and pay a staff to write a lot and write it well. His visibility on the Internet and his online presence are huge and hugely misleading. 

It must be countered at the very least. Too often, it needs to be clarified or corrected. The web is the one place people go to learn a little bit about candidates. Do not let this man define himself - do not let Florida make the mistake that Massachusetts did. Get the information and your voices out there so every day citizens have access to other points of view and information pertinent to the concerns of Florida's residents. 

Do it now because you will already be playing catch up with Rick Scott and he is not even the actual candidate yet. This is the primaries and he is already outspending and outdoing everybody. Take a look at his website. His staff knows how to use social media and how to use the media to their advantage. So do many of you. 

Liberals from every state, please take a good look at what Rick Scott believes and what he plans to do in Florida. Help us balance the flow of information and get more perspectives in the hands of Floridians.

Why bother? Because you ought to care enough about freedom and liberty enough to act when it's in danger. It may not be on your doorstop YET. Remember there were ten little Indians and there were none.

Watch Rick Scott's commercial about bringing the Arizona "Show Me Your Papers Act" to Florida This is a direct link is to the video posted on Rick Scott's website where it is plainly titled "Rick Scott Supports the Arizona Immigration Law".


President Obama LIVE Interview on Education in the US and My Plea to American Citizens to Step Up and Actually Listen

President Obama will sit down with Matt Lauer for a LIVE one-on-one interview about the state of education in America on Monday, September 27th, at 8am ET on NBC. It's commercial free and some of the questions posed will be from everyday Americans.

Why You Should Watch It ~ Sad I even feel it's imperative to write this section

I'm just guessing the people up at 8am are either getting ready for work so won't be able to give full attention to it or are still drunk and wouldn't know the difference between the interview on education or a Teletubbies episode. The rest of us will be sound asleep. Apologies to the people who actually plan to, or think they that would but for xyz, get up especially to watch the interview as it plays live. In all seriousness, please do just that if you have a DVR or Tivo.

If you can tape it, then please do, even if you watch it while getting ready in the morning. The President of the United States deserves the full attention of American citizens, especially when he's doing a live interview and taking out questions. NBC is doing it commercial free so it's only a half hour of your time.

They'll be talking about the state of education in America and that's a hugely significant issue right now. If you don't already know why then you really need to watch this show. Every American citizen should watch it because we need to know what's going in order to make changes happen and cast votes in November that are based on informed decisions.

Don't want to hear lame excuses like we can't change anything because we sure as hell can if we start actually caring instead of just complaining. Complaining and whining about the state of affairs is not the same as actually caring. I don't care how powerless you feel because it's your choice to be powerless. You might even be right that there isn't a damn thing we can do to change things, you aren't right but I wouldn't care if you were because we cannot possibly know if you are right unless you actually try to do something.

What can you do? Start with just listening. I mean actually listen for the whole 30 minutes while President Obama talks with Matt Lauer. After you've heard about all the issues they talk about, not just the ones you care about or missed b/c something early on gets your panties in a bunch, think about it. Think and share your thoughts - however and wherever you want - discuss it with your family/friends, blog about it, write about it on Facebook, Tweet it, write an email, write a letter, tag a wall, hang up posters or whatever. I don't care how and I don't even care what you say as long as you say something or just ask questions. The first step to change is to get a dialogue started.

Surely we can do that much. We can do a whole lot more and I talk about that in another post soon. Right now, I'm asking all of my fellow Americans to step up and listen to what our President has to say, to think a little bit and say something themselves. 30 minutes of your time. Listening. Thinking. Discussing, asking questions, and/or putting your opinions out there. Is it really too much too ask of citizens who claim to care about the country?

If it is, how about just the 30 minutes of listening. No need to actually think or say anything. Just listening for 30 minutes. If that's too much too ask then we probably are screwed and stuck with whatever the vocal, active citizens give us. Regardless of how small the minority is, I can assure you that so long as they speak they'll get what they want.

Why? Because they are asking the people in charge to do something, threatening their jobs if they don't do it (as they should b/c it's the reason we have the right to vote), and they'll follow through while the rest of America listens to sound bites, commercials run by those groups, media coverage of the issues they've raised because the majority of Americans use their voices to complain among friends instead speaking to the people in office who have the power to enact change if we bothered to demand it.

That's far beyond sad, it's sick and it is insulting to the brave folk that fought to found this country and every person that has fought to defend and preserve the liberties afforded to the citizens lucky enough to live in the Land of the Free. Just a reminder folks, freedom is not free and its guarantee is only as good we make it. Every citizen citizen has not just the right but also the duty to vote and it's that power that gives the people the guarantee that the freedoms granted in our Constitution will be upheld. The men and women who go into the service to defend America can only do so much, they'll protect us from outside threats but the rest is up to us.

How To Submit Questions and Why Last Minute One Might Still Make the Show

It's a bit last minute but you can still submit a question that may get asked during the interview at Education Nation ~ NBC website. It's a simple form, only requires your name, email and your question (obviously). I don't think it's too late because I hadn't even heard about the broadcast until they announced during the Jets game tonight and doesn't seem like a whole lot of know about the submit a question opportunity judging from the Google search results.

Presumably the network wants to ask at least a few viewer questions and they'll need a fairly large number of submissions to get some decent ones. My basis for that assertion? Statistically speaking there will be a fairly large number of questions that are very similar because the topic is limited to education, regardless of where they stand people will be asking about the same issues and a substantial number of people will have the same concerns regarding particular subjects.

That limits the pool of questions that NBC has to choose from as does the entirely irrelevant questions people surely have submitted because we don't pay attention to what topic is at issue so we ask whatever is on our minds and of those who know the topic is limited, some simply won't care will submit off-topic questions thinly disguised or tangentially related to education.

Add to that the jokers and extremists who'll use the "submit a question form" as forum for stating their opinions just because it's somewhere new to bray about whatever their issue is and it doesn't really matter that only the poor, unpaid intern stuck with sifting through submissions to get that type of sh!t out might actually read it. And lastly, but ironically enough given the topic is education, I'd be amazed if a bunch of questions didn't get tossed for being unintelligible.

Oh my, I really am getting a little pessimistically jaded. Still a bit of idealist and optimist left though as this post demonstrates. I am encouraging people to submit questions after all. Though that's secondary to actual purpose of this post. Letting people know that President Obama will be discussing the state of education in the United States during a live, commercial free interview with Matt Lauer tomorrow morning at 8am on NBC so that can Tivo it.


Urban Dictionary: Refudiate

 Check out definitions for the new word "refudiate" posted on the Urban Dictionary They range from snarky informative to silly fun but will have to do until Palin does us the honor of actually defining the word she "invented". Robert Dougherty posted a great starting point on associatedcontent.com for anyone who wants to try to find a real use for this purported new word by defining the various words that Palin may have meant to use as he notes the need for Palin to provide a defintion for her invented word.

Refudiate This - If You Know How To

Perhaps Palin has got some smarts after all. I'm not sure her 'invention' of the word 'REFUDIATE' is simply an obstinate refusal to admit a silly mistake. The focus has shifted to the word & her comparing herself to Shakespeare and off the context of the Tweets that were the original problem. This Washington Post story covers all those aspects & links to video explanations. I'd be far more amused if I could forget this woman could have been our Vice President b/c that prospect still gives me shivers. I have no problem with people inventing words, I do it sometimes.

The key thing is that you have to be able to define the word you invent. Palin's used it in several sentences now but as of yet has not defined it. In context, it appears she means repudiate but that can't be right b/c that's an existing word. But she substituted in the word 'refute' in a corrected Tweet which needed correction b/c refute was not quite the right word either. Perhaps we need the word 'refudiate'. I can't really say til she tells us what the heck it means.


Happy Birthday America!


Creative Protest - Giant penis protest hits St. Petersburg

This article also has the picture. It's painted on the drawbridge so every the drawbridge goes up, well you get the idea. :) Talk about creative protest!

Giant penis protest hits St. Petersburg Metro.co.uk


Why Bother?

The qoute is by John F. Kennedy. It's something we all sometimes need to be reminded of & I was when saw this book at Borders. So I snapped a pic to post hoping to remind other people and encourage everyone who's doubting themself.


Using Stickers on a Cardboard Box To Make a Political Statement


Worried about Our World, the Social Issues & Economic Problems? Be a Changemaker - Learn About the Collaborative Community Connecting People & Actions

Care about some social issues, curious about them, got one you think deserves attention, or just want to be involved in making the world a little bit different (hopefully for the better)? Then check out Changemakers, a community of action where people are working together to find solutions and make a difference.

Take a moment to create a free profile. If that's just too much at the moment, :) then


Bottled Water v. Tap - Know the Facts Before You Take that Sip

The True Facts about Bottled Water that Science doesn't want you to know  is a snarky and ridiculously funny 'infograph.' An outragous way of calling attention to a serious matter. Bottled water may be a convenience but it's a whole lot of waste for our over-burdened planet to handle. And perhaps more importantly to those that indulge in it, it's not better for you and some are actually bad for your health. And let's forget the $ you could be saving for something necessary or a more enjoyable luxury.No need to take my word for it. Check some these articles:


The Story of Stuff - Do You Know Where Your Stuff Comes From?

You have stuff, I have stuff, other people have a lot more stuff or better stuff and unfortunately some people have barely enough to live on. Stuff is such a versatile word is practically has no real meaning left - that's why you should visit The Story of Stuff Project Site. Where do our things come from, how do they become stuff, what different kind of stuffs are there, and where does it all go?

Find out by watching The Story of Stuff. It is a "20-minute film that takes viewers on a provocative and eye-opening tour of the real costs of our consumer driven culture." Environmental activist Annie Leonard narrates the story, "delivering a rapid-fire, often humorous and always engaging story."

The script, a fact sheet, glossary, and lots more info on the all the 'stuff' jam packed into the 20 minute movie is availble on the site along w/ a categorized link list of the organizations and agencies that are involved or mentioned.


New Republican Theme Song? "Whatever It Is, I'm Against It!" (Marx Brothers, 1932)

Perfect theme song for the Republicans in Congress. Hoping the upcoming elections change that and ALL members of Congress hear the message loud and clearly.

 "Whatever It Is, I'm Against It!" is a song from a Marx Brothers movie - download the MP3 "I'm Against It" from Amazon.com. - this link is a 56 second clip from the movie on You Tube. If you want a copy of the just the song, you can

The song is laugh-out-loud ridiculously funny. It's also incredibly ridiculous that this song quite seriously does reflect the apparent attitude of the members of Congress in the United States.

Lately it's been the Republicans, but the Democrats could just as easily take that position. Everything has become so polarized and so political that nothing is getting done. We've gotten to the point where the issues barely matter.

The media should be reporting about the issues involved in legislation and explaining the content of potential laws. When someone is nominated to the Supreme Court, we should be hearing about that person rather than about the judicial committee and who is likely to what during the hearings. 

It's not the journalists fault that they are giving a blow by blow account of the procedural plays by each party rather than providing the public with informative news. The media is reflecting what our representatives are actually doing in during Congressional sessions. The people that Americans elected and are paying such a generous salary for representing us in Congress are not even doing their jobs.

Whether elected officials truly represent the citizens v. big spenders in campaign contributions is a separate issue I'll take up in another post. Assuming that our Senators and Representatives actually do something substantive in the near future. It's been so long that I'm afraid they've forgotten that debates are supposed to about the merits of the proposed legislation. Actually, they seem to have forgotten that Congress is supposed to debate and then legislate. That is, after all, what the taxpayers pay them to do.

The Marx Brothers - a Salty Selection
Music, video on demand, and books that I think you'd enjoy. If you decide buy any of the items I selected, I'd really appreciate it if you would use the links I provided below so I get credit from Amazon. Thanks so much!