
Worried about Our World, the Social Issues & Economic Problems? Be a Changemaker - Learn About the Collaborative Community Connecting People & Actions

Care about some social issues, curious about them, got one you think deserves attention, or just want to be involved in making the world a little bit different (hopefully for the better)? Then check out Changemakers, a community of action where people are working together to find solutions and make a difference.

Take a moment to create a free profile. If that's just too much at the moment, :) then
please at least explore it a bit at least. It's got a lot of ways to be involved on issues you care about, participle as much or as little as you want. Suggest issues, kick around ideas, share opportunities, partner up with people, volunteer, get into competitions, or whatever floats your boat.

Please get involved & take action on the things that matter to you. All of our societies need to make changes if we are going to continue living on this planet in the not so distance future. Doesn't need to be on this site, or any site. Just do something to change things up. Even if you don't believe you can make a difference, heck even if you are absolutely 100% certain that you cannot make a difference - do something anyway.   

You'll never know the full extent of the consequences that your choices and actions had within your society and the world. Like Confucius, you may never know you made any difference at all. Truthfully you may not not make any actual, measurable difference but that's not the point because simply by choosing to act you will make a change. But by showing you care and you're trying despite the odds, it'll encourage and motivate others to try - someone or some some group eventually will make a difference. I'd prefer it be one of us, the little people rather than a well-funded, outspoken group working the governments hard to make changes that are in their employers' best interests.  

Sorry 'bout that tangent, this is a topic I care very deeply about - that's why my friends call me the Lorax. So back to this collaborative change making community & its action oriented website.

What exactly is a "changemaker"? I'll let the changemakers explain as they do it best. From the site ---
"Changemakers is a community of action where we all collaborate on solutions. We know we have the power to solve the world's most pressing social problems. We're already doing it, one project, one idea at a time.
How do we do it? We talk about the issues, share stories and mentor, advise, and encourage each other in group forums, even engage in friendly competition. We form surprising connections and unexpected partnerships across the globe that turn the old ways of problem solving upside down. We try things that have never been tried before.
Our mantra is "Everyone a Changemaker." Whatever your passions, however you want to make a difference, you'll find a way to make it happen it here. Changemakers connects you to action because we're on the ground, making changes every day.
The solutions are all around us. Join us. And be at the center of change."

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