
Refudiate This - If You Know How To

Perhaps Palin has got some smarts after all. I'm not sure her 'invention' of the word 'REFUDIATE' is simply an obstinate refusal to admit a silly mistake. The focus has shifted to the word & her comparing herself to Shakespeare and off the context of the Tweets that were the original problem. This Washington Post story covers all those aspects & links to video explanations. I'd be far more amused if I could forget this woman could have been our Vice President b/c that prospect still gives me shivers. I have no problem with people inventing words, I do it sometimes.

The key thing is that you have to be able to define the word you invent. Palin's used it in several sentences now but as of yet has not defined it. In context, it appears she means repudiate but that can't be right b/c that's an existing word. But she substituted in the word 'refute' in a corrected Tweet which needed correction b/c refute was not quite the right word either. Perhaps we need the word 'refudiate'. I can't really say til she tells us what the heck it means.

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