
The Story of Stuff - Do You Know Where Your Stuff Comes From?

You have stuff, I have stuff, other people have a lot more stuff or better stuff and unfortunately some people have barely enough to live on. Stuff is such a versatile word is practically has no real meaning left - that's why you should visit The Story of Stuff Project Site. Where do our things come from, how do they become stuff, what different kind of stuffs are there, and where does it all go?

Find out by watching The Story of Stuff. It is a "20-minute film that takes viewers on a provocative and eye-opening tour of the real costs of our consumer driven culture." Environmental activist Annie Leonard narrates the story, "delivering a rapid-fire, often humorous and always engaging story."

The script, a fact sheet, glossary, and lots more info on the all the 'stuff' jam packed into the 20 minute movie is availble on the site along w/ a categorized link list of the organizations and agencies that are involved or mentioned.

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