
Free "End The Fed" Bumper Sticker

Get this bumper sticker for free from First Nation Bullion and Gold by filling out their online request form for free bumper sticker.

It just requires your name, address, telephone #, and email address.

NO credit card required.

The bumper sticker is entirely free - There are no shipping or handling costs.

Get the Free "End The Fed" Bumper now.

Limited to 1 free sticker per person/household while supplies last.



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Say What?! Church members may stage anti-gay demonstrations outside of military funerals. U.S. Supreme Court Decision (8-1)

 The Supreme Court's 8-1 decision in the controversial case Snyder v. Phelps held that the First Amendment protects the Westboro Baptist Church members who have been staging anti-gay protests at military funerals.

Albert Snyder is the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder who was killed in the line of duty on March 3, 2006 in Iraq. Snyder wanted the U.S. Supreme Court to restore a U.S. District Court's verdict that found the Kansas-based church had invaded his privacy and defamed his son when it protested outside of his son's military funeral in 2006. Visit the website that Albert Snyder set up about this suit.

 Westboro Baptist Church is led by Rev. Fred Phelps who has traveled across the country with his family for over 20 years declaring that America's acceptance of homosexuality has paved the way for the damnation of the United States. They have gotten a lot of publicity by staging these anti-gay protests outside of high-profile trials, Catholic and Jewish events, as well as military funerals making headlines in both national and international news coverage. 

In addition to staging the anti-gay demonstration outside of Marine Lance. Cpl. Matther Snyder's funeral, they later wrote about him on the Westboro website. Visit the Westboro Baptist Church official site. NOTE the URL of the Church's site - in the interest of decency I decided not spell it out here. I was rather shocked - even knowing the hateful and offensive nature of their 'protest" signs and speeches - it's supposed to a church for goodness sake.

If you're not familiar with the circumstances of the case check out the York Daily Post page covering the Syder v. Phelps trial, the appeal through the Supreme Court decision.  The article provides a concise summary and has a very helpful chart showing the time-line of the case history. 

The Wall Street Journal post High Court Rules in Favor of Funeral Protesters is a great overview and discussion of the Supreme Court's decision

To get a sense of the issues in play and the implications of this Supreme Court ruling check out The Supreme Court justices put lawyers on the spot in Snyder v. Phelps by asking a flurry of questions trying to figure out the broader implications of the case. Jeff Frantz, York Daily Record (11.22.10)

 Read the U.S. News debate about whether the First Amendment protects protests at military funerals for an overview of the debate that comes from a more pragmatic standpoint than the debate between legal scholars.

Immerse yourself in the legal nitty-gritty leading up to the appeal to the Supreme court including supporting briefs covering a wide spectrum of legal issues and arguments. Read the original documents in the Snyder v. Phelps case, including the appeal reversing the award to Snyder and all amicus briefs.


Glenn Beck's War on Google

Google is really a revolution-sparking "shill" for Obama — at least, according to the Fox News star's latest conspiracy theory


Send a Free Postcard To United States Military Personnel Stationed Overseas

Please take the time to let our military personnel still stationed overseas know you still care. It only takes about 10 seconds and it’s entirely free.

Visit Let’s Say Thank You then pick out a postcard and personalize it and click send.

That’s all that’s needed. And that small little effort on your part will mean the world to the soldier across the world that receives it. No need to take my word on that, the site has posted messages sent back by our troops expressing how much those cards mean to them. Click here to see what the troops had to say.

Whatever your political views please remember that our soldiers are serving their country and not a political party or agenda. Our troops need to know they’ve got our support and we are behind them. By support, all I mean is appreciation for their service to the country. Remember we've got an all volunteer military and the people still overseas chose to volunteer and serve their country. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Please share this post or cut and paste into an email so others have the opportunity to send a card. It's not about issues or political views. It's so much simpler than that - just a thank you for your service, it's appreciated.  We can never say enough thank you's so put in on your Facebook wall, MySpace Profile, blog, other websites and Tweet all about it. The is a direct link to get Let's Say Thanks Badges to post on your online profiles or blogs.

Thanks for taking to time to let our military know you care!


Political Bumper Stickers ~Simply Amusing but for the Few Serious Ones that Snuck In :)

Hope these make you laugh a lot and think a little too. 

If you want any of these just on the image to get it from Amazon.com

I Don't Like Political Jokes They Get Elected Too Often - Political Bumper Stickers (Large 14x4 inches)Bumper Sticker: "Politicians and diapers should be changed often, and for the...Give Me Liberty Not Debt - Political Bumper Stickers (Medium 10x2.8 in.)Economics For Dummies - Political Bumper Stickers (Medium 10x2.8 in.)
Not as lean not as mean - but still a Marine! Bumper StickerLand of the Free Because of the Brave bumper stickerPolitics Empty Promises Empty Excuses - Political Stickers (Small 5 x 1.4 in.)I Love My Country It's The Government I'm Afraid of - Bumper Sticker
Politics the second oldest profession it's a lot like the first - funny bumper stickers (Large 14x4 inches)Proud Member Of The Angry Mob - Political Bumper Stickers (Medium 10x2.8 in.)Conservatives Aren't Ignorant - Funny Bumper Stickers (Large 14x4 inches)Annoy a conservative - Think for yourself! bumper stickeram I liberal or just well educated? bumper stickerAnnoy a Liberal - Work hard and be happy Bumper Sticker
We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office - political bumper stickers (Medium 10x2.8 in.)Government Big Enough To Give You Everything - Political Bumper Stickers (Medium 10x2.8 in.)Poli-Tics, Poly many many, Tics small blood sucking parasites - funny bumper stickers (Large 14x4 inches)90% of politics is deciding whom to blame - funny bumper stickers (Medium 10x2.8 in.)Anti Obama Bumper Sticker - I'll kep my Guns & Money - Bumper Sticker DecalWhat Would Jack Bauer Do - Funny Bumper Stickers (Medium 10x2.8 in.)The difference between Genius & Stupidity is that genius has its limits - funny bumper stickers (Medium 10x2.8 in.)Beam Me Up Scotty No Intelligent Life Here - Refrigerator Magnets 7x2 inUnder Republicans man exploits man. Under Democrats it's just the opposites - Refrigerator Magnets 7x2 inIf You're Not Outraged You're Not Paying Attention - Political Bumper Stickers (Large 14x4 inches)