
Send a Free Postcard To United States Military Personnel Stationed Overseas

Please take the time to let our military personnel still stationed overseas know you still care. It only takes about 10 seconds and it’s entirely free.

Visit Let’s Say Thank You then pick out a postcard and personalize it and click send.

That’s all that’s needed. And that small little effort on your part will mean the world to the soldier across the world that receives it. No need to take my word on that, the site has posted messages sent back by our troops expressing how much those cards mean to them. Click here to see what the troops had to say.

Whatever your political views please remember that our soldiers are serving their country and not a political party or agenda. Our troops need to know they’ve got our support and we are behind them. By support, all I mean is appreciation for their service to the country. Remember we've got an all volunteer military and the people still overseas chose to volunteer and serve their country. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Please share this post or cut and paste into an email so others have the opportunity to send a card. It's not about issues or political views. It's so much simpler than that - just a thank you for your service, it's appreciated.  We can never say enough thank you's so put in on your Facebook wall, MySpace Profile, blog, other websites and Tweet all about it. The is a direct link to get Let's Say Thanks Badges to post on your online profiles or blogs.

Thanks for taking to time to let our military know you care!

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