
Why Bother?

The qoute is by John F. Kennedy. It's something we all sometimes need to be reminded of & I was when saw this book at Borders. So I snapped a pic to post hoping to remind other people and encourage everyone who's doubting themself.


Using Stickers on a Cardboard Box To Make a Political Statement


Worried about Our World, the Social Issues & Economic Problems? Be a Changemaker - Learn About the Collaborative Community Connecting People & Actions

Care about some social issues, curious about them, got one you think deserves attention, or just want to be involved in making the world a little bit different (hopefully for the better)? Then check out Changemakers, a community of action where people are working together to find solutions and make a difference.

Take a moment to create a free profile. If that's just too much at the moment, :) then


Bottled Water v. Tap - Know the Facts Before You Take that Sip

The True Facts about Bottled Water that Science doesn't want you to know  is a snarky and ridiculously funny 'infograph.' An outragous way of calling attention to a serious matter. Bottled water may be a convenience but it's a whole lot of waste for our over-burdened planet to handle. And perhaps more importantly to those that indulge in it, it's not better for you and some are actually bad for your health. And let's forget the $ you could be saving for something necessary or a more enjoyable luxury.No need to take my word for it. Check some these articles: