
The Story of Stuff - Do You Know Where Your Stuff Comes From?

You have stuff, I have stuff, other people have a lot more stuff or better stuff and unfortunately some people have barely enough to live on. Stuff is such a versatile word is practically has no real meaning left - that's why you should visit The Story of Stuff Project Site. Where do our things come from, how do they become stuff, what different kind of stuffs are there, and where does it all go?

Find out by watching The Story of Stuff. It is a "20-minute film that takes viewers on a provocative and eye-opening tour of the real costs of our consumer driven culture." Environmental activist Annie Leonard narrates the story, "delivering a rapid-fire, often humorous and always engaging story."

The script, a fact sheet, glossary, and lots more info on the all the 'stuff' jam packed into the 20 minute movie is availble on the site along w/ a categorized link list of the organizations and agencies that are involved or mentioned.


New Republican Theme Song? "Whatever It Is, I'm Against It!" (Marx Brothers, 1932)

Perfect theme song for the Republicans in Congress. Hoping the upcoming elections change that and ALL members of Congress hear the message loud and clearly.

 "Whatever It Is, I'm Against It!" is a song from a Marx Brothers movie - download the MP3 "I'm Against It" from Amazon.com. - this link is a 56 second clip from the movie on You Tube. If you want a copy of the just the song, you can

The song is laugh-out-loud ridiculously funny. It's also incredibly ridiculous that this song quite seriously does reflect the apparent attitude of the members of Congress in the United States.

Lately it's been the Republicans, but the Democrats could just as easily take that position. Everything has become so polarized and so political that nothing is getting done. We've gotten to the point where the issues barely matter.

The media should be reporting about the issues involved in legislation and explaining the content of potential laws. When someone is nominated to the Supreme Court, we should be hearing about that person rather than about the judicial committee and who is likely to what during the hearings. 

It's not the journalists fault that they are giving a blow by blow account of the procedural plays by each party rather than providing the public with informative news. The media is reflecting what our representatives are actually doing in during Congressional sessions. The people that Americans elected and are paying such a generous salary for representing us in Congress are not even doing their jobs.

Whether elected officials truly represent the citizens v. big spenders in campaign contributions is a separate issue I'll take up in another post. Assuming that our Senators and Representatives actually do something substantive in the near future. It's been so long that I'm afraid they've forgotten that debates are supposed to about the merits of the proposed legislation. Actually, they seem to have forgotten that Congress is supposed to debate and then legislate. That is, after all, what the taxpayers pay them to do.

The Marx Brothers - a Salty Selection
Music, video on demand, and books that I think you'd enjoy. If you decide buy any of the items I selected, I'd really appreciate it if you would use the links I provided below so I get credit from Amazon. Thanks so much!