
Florida Elections - New Polling Stats

A news article posted on Charlie Crist's site "We Have the Momentum: Rubio’s Lead Cut in Half, Meek at 15%". is worth taking a moment to read. Covers the 3-way race for Florida's Senate seat between Rubio, Crist and Meeks and the battle to be Governor between Alex Sink and Rick Scott.

Has some concise and interesting backround info on all the candidates including the positions they left to pursue running for these positions.


Florida Be Aware! Rick Scott Flunks Basic Constitutional Law - Watch His Commercial on Immigration

Rick Scott's commercial on bringing the Arizona "Show Me Your Papers Act" to Florida speaks for itself. PLEASE listen to him speak before we allow to speak for us as a state.

Conservatives, you especially need to take a hard look at Rick Scott because he is not the man you want running for election against anybody. Unless you stand up and vote in the primaries, the Republican party is going to be stuck with a candidate so far right that he's off the conservative scale and into Sarah Palin territory. 

Rick Scott poses a much greater risk -- he is articulate, intelligent and he has the money to flood the airways with convincing commercials but the issues are not as simple as he makes them appear and has a very definite plan to impose his ultra-consertative values on the citizens of Florida. That's not just my opinion one, he says it quite clearly himself. Take a look at Rick Scott's position on the issues he considers important enough to write a position statement. For lack of a better word that'll have to do but the brevity and lack of any explanation of his rationale or reasoning for the things "Rick Scott WILL DO" speaks volumes in itself. 

Not that any reasoning accompanies the things that "Rick Scott believes" or that Rick Scott is committed to" but there his a significant difference between those and what he imperatively states that he will do. And I'm not talking about puffery statements like he will create jobs in Florida, that's normal for politicians. I am talking about the things like accountability in budgeting where Rick Scott "will force bureaucrats to justify how they spend our tax dollars". Note the word force because it is frightening and indicative of how he intends to govern. Combine that with his beliefs and commitments and you should be either be very scared or damn sure you want those things imposed on you, your community and the every citizen in the state of Florida.

Independents, you NEED to look deeper at Rick Scott. On the surface, he seems to want to give you the things you care about and in fact he might. But you MUST ask yourself, is the cost worth it? What value do place on the right to privacy, the freedom to make choices, keeping hard-working, law-abiding and loving parents with their children? If the Republicans fail to put a credible candidate in the race for the Florida Gubernatorial election then you will be our greatest hope for electing a Governor that Florida actually wants. I'm not asking to make the decision to vote against Rick Scott yet, I am asking you to look at his website and his statement on the issue he considers important and to look equally as closely his opponents.

Everybody, I am begging you to stand up and vote and to know who and what you're voting for. It sounds simple, and it's well beyond serious, but as a society we've become complacent and rely on soundbites and commercials to make important decisions. It is your right and it your duty as an American citizen to vote for person you want to represent you. Please make an informed choice when you are filling out your ballot - for the love of our country, respect for the United States Constitution, and the state of the society you will be living in.

Liberals, I saved you for last b/c I believe you were most likely to read a post that breaks the rule on brevity or at least scan down to the section meant for you. Do not wait for the actual race to begin opposing Rick Scott - he's not waiting. He's got the money to flood the airwaves and pay a staff to write a lot and write it well. His visibility on the Internet and his online presence are huge and hugely misleading. 

It must be countered at the very least. Too often, it needs to be clarified or corrected. The web is the one place people go to learn a little bit about candidates. Do not let this man define himself - do not let Florida make the mistake that Massachusetts did. Get the information and your voices out there so every day citizens have access to other points of view and information pertinent to the concerns of Florida's residents. 

Do it now because you will already be playing catch up with Rick Scott and he is not even the actual candidate yet. This is the primaries and he is already outspending and outdoing everybody. Take a look at his website. His staff knows how to use social media and how to use the media to their advantage. So do many of you. 

Liberals from every state, please take a good look at what Rick Scott believes and what he plans to do in Florida. Help us balance the flow of information and get more perspectives in the hands of Floridians.

Why bother? Because you ought to care enough about freedom and liberty enough to act when it's in danger. It may not be on your doorstop YET. Remember there were ten little Indians and there were none.

Watch Rick Scott's commercial about bringing the Arizona "Show Me Your Papers Act" to Florida This is a direct link is to the video posted on Rick Scott's website where it is plainly titled "Rick Scott Supports the Arizona Immigration Law".