
Tell President Obama: No backdoors in our technology!

This We The People Petition to the Obama Administration already has over 81,000 signatures and it still has 20 another days left to get the requisite 100K! The coalition of organizations & tech companies behind this petition Is mind boggling in the booth the sheer # and the breadth of the different issues they're known for representing. Here's a small sampling—Twitter, Mozzilla, TaskForce, Reddit, DuckDuckGo, boing boing, Cloudflare, Dropbox, American Library Association, Human Rights Watch, Global Network Initiative, World Privacy Forum, Liberty Coalition, Internet Infrastructure Coalition, Internet Archive, Freedom of the Press Foundation, Consumer Electronics Association, TorProject, twilio, WICKR, R Street, Demand Progress, EFF, ACLU, Open Media, Sonic, Library Freedom Project, Center for Democracy & Technology, and The Center for Financial Privacry and Human Rights.

This is a hugely important issue for your personal safety as well as the security of our data & privacy rights. Just read the petition and you'll understand very quickly. This is not simply a trade off of privacy for "national security" — this puts that very security and our personal security at risk! Sign this petition now so it's very clear to the President that we want this done right now. Congress doesn't have to like it and they won't but they'll likely restrain themselves to bluster when faced with all our signatures.

It's truly a "We The People" petition that requires the signatures of 100,000 actual people for the President to be required to address it. Add to that the klout of all the companies and organizations that are standing with us on this issue and Congress would be hard pressed to try to undo it. And they certainly won't be able to slip anything through quietly. Please sign this petition, remember to confirm your signature via email (it's required by the White House for your signature to count) and then share it far and wide on social media.

It's going to get the required 100K signatures so let's try to break the record for a "We The People Petition" and educate ourselves and our friends on what's at stake BEFORE it happens. Because IF it does happen then it's a moot point and we'll need to focus instead on what's at risk and what we can do to to protect ourselves which is going to be difficult at best. Most things can wait—this can not! Sign this petition ASAP then share it on Facebook—tag some friends, on Twwet it then share it via direct message to people you know care, and then send a link to the petition by email to anyone you haven't already reached by email. It's that important to get this information out there!


Save the Whales, Stop Big Oil's Airgun Exploration

Takes less than a minute to speak for these beautiful creatures Please take the time to fill in the form & sign your name. Tell the government that you care bc this will not stop until you do.

 Save the Whales, Stop Big Oil's Airgun Exploration 

It's really that simple. And yes I realize petitions may not make a big dent in Big Oil's plans or the EPA's agenda but it might. And your silence, well that's an ironic certainty — it'll be deafening


Pebble Mine Project Endangers Bristol Bay, Alaska | Save BioGems

The Environmental Protection Agency has just taken the first critical step toward banning the disastrous Pebble Mine by using its authority under the Clean Water Act. The agency has concluded that this toxic mega-mine poses significant — even "catastrophic" — risks to Alaska's spectacular Bristol Bay and its world-renowned salmon runs, abundant wildlife populations and Native communities. Urge EPA to finish what it started by slamming the door on the Pebble Mine and protecting Bristol Bay from destruction."

Pebble Mine Project Endangers Bristol Bay, Alaska | Save BioGems


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Paul Ryan Blames Obama Energy Policy for Factory That Closed Before He Was Elected

Paul Ryan Blames Obama Energy Policy for Factory That Closed Before He Was Elected
Article from New York Magazine


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